Make Accreditation Mandatory for Low Carbon Heating Installers, Says Which

Widening government-run scheme would counter mistrust among householders, says consumer group
The Guardian Renewable Energy 11:02 am on May 29, 2024

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The Which? consumer advocacy group urges for mandatory accreditation for low-carbon heating installers, emphasizing reliability and quality in the industry.

  • Consumer Advocate's Recommendation:
  • Mandatory Accreditation: Which? recommends making accreditation mandatory for low-carbon heating installers.
  • Industry Standards: To ensure reliability and quality in the sector, an industry standard must be upheld through certification processes.
  • Consumer Protection: Accreditation aims to protect consumers by guaranteeing the competence of heating installation services.
  • Heat Pump Installations: The recommendation is particularly relevant in the context of expanding heat pump installations, as they are low-carbon alternatives for heating.
Category Choices: Renewable policy and incentives Biomass

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