Max & Kofa Partner for Tailg Jidi Electric Motorcycle Financing in Ghana

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! Lagos-headquartered MAX describes itself as a technology-enabled company driven by a vision to solve mobility challenges in Africa. MAX has over fourteen branches across Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ghana. It says its work helps to ... [continued]
CleanTechnica 12:58 pm on April 19, 2024

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MAX and Kofa have announced a partnership for financing electric motorcycle purchases in Ghana through TAILG Jidi. No further details about the nature of the partnership or the terms of the financing were provided in the text.

  • MAX and Kofa announce partnership for financing electric motorcycles in Ghana
  • Partnership is being facilitated through TAILG Jidi
  • No details given about the terms or nature of the financing
  • Electric motorcycles will be available for purchase in Ghana
  • No mention of renewable energy sources specifically in the text

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