Low Tilt Angles Ideal for Regions With High Summer Load Demand

New research from India shows the advantages of deploying fixed tilt PV systems with low angles in regions with high
PV Magazine International 11:47 am on June 5, 2024

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** The study revealed that PV power generation peaks early morning and late afternoon, with higher gains in lower tilt angles across various locations from April to August. This leads to increased Gross Capacity Factor (GC) and decreased reliance on grid electricity during high-demand periods, enhancing economic benefits of lower tilts for fixed-tilt PV systems despite the lowest LCOE at latitude tilt angles.

  • PV Power Generation Patterns:
  • Increased GCF with Lower Tilt Angles:
  • Reduced Grid Dependency and Economic Benefits:
  • Study Period Spanning from April to August Across Various Locations:


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