Longi's Solar Module Shipments Hit 67.5 Gw in 2023

Longi recorded 67.5 GW of solar module shipments in 2023, according to its latest financial resultsLongi recorded 67.5 GW of solar module shipments in 2023, according to its latest financial results.
PV Magazine International 12:37 pm on May 9, 2024

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Longi Solar has achieved 67.5 GW solar module shipments in 2023, recording $17.9 billion in revenue and a net profit of $1.49 billion. The company faced declining prices but allocated significant funds for research and development (R&D), focusing on improving BC products and next-gen cell technologies, including TOPCon and HJT cells.

  • Revenue & Profit:
  • Longi Solar reported $17.9 billion in revenue with a net profit of $1.49 billion.
  • Shipments:
  • The company hit 67.5 GW solar module shipments in 2023.
  • R&D Investment & Focus:
  • Allocated $1.68 billion for R&D, with a focus on BC products and next-gen cell technologies like TOPCon and HJT cells.
  • Global Expansion:
  • Expanded its global production capacity with projects in Malaysia, Vietnam, the US, and Malaysia's tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon) silicon rod project progress.
  • Technology Roadmap:
  • Longi aims for an annual monocrystalline silicon wafer production capacity of 200 GW and BC cell/module production capacities of 100 GW by the start of 2027.
The text can be categorized under: - Solar (Renewable energy, Longi's solar module shipments, R&D in next-gen cell technologies)

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