Lithium Sulfur Ev Batteries to Be Tested by Automakers

Automakers and other energy storage stakeholders are lining up to test new lithium-sulfur EV batteries from the US
CleanTechnica 11:06 pm on May 9, 2024

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New lithium-sulfur EV batteries are being distributed to automakers and energy stakeholders for testing. The development aims to enhance electric vehicle (EV) battery technology, with Lyten leading the innovation as of May 2024.

  • Distribution: Lithium-sulfur EV batteries are being sent out for testing.
  • Innovation Leader: Lyten is at the forefront of developing these new battery technologies.
  • Stakeholders Targeted: Automakers and energy storage stakeholders are set to receive samples for evaluation.
  • Purpose: The goal is to advance electric vehicle battery technology.
  • Timeline: Samples are expected in May 2024.

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