Linking Collaboration Across the Value Chain to Get to Circularity

Procter & Gamble is linking collaboration within its packaging value chain to gain traction on circularity.
Greenbiz 11:24 am on May 22, 2024

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Procter & Gamble (P&G) is partnering across the packaging value chain to advance circularity, focusing on collaboration between upstream stakeholders and downstream actors. Initiatives include product design optimization for recyclability, introducing concentrated formulas with refill options, replacing hard-to-recycle components, and leveraging VersoVit technology for high-quality recycled resin production.

  • Collaborative Efforts: P&G collaborates with stakeholders across the packaging value chain to enhance circularity.
  • Design Innovations: Developing products that facilitate easy recycling, reuse, and refilling of materials.
  • Technological Advancements: Utilizing VersoVit technology for recovering high-quality recycled polypropylene resin.
  • Systems Change Driving: Working with industry associations and coalitions to standardize sorting technologies, increasing the usability of post-consumer materials.
  • Consumer Engagement: Involving retailers in educating consumers on recycling practices through product placement strategies.

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