Lightsource Bp Unveils Plans for Solar Plus Storage in Ireland

Lightsource bp says it plans to develop a solar-plus-storage facility in IrelandLightsource bp says it plans to develop a solar-plus-storage facility in Ireland.
PV Magazine International 2:27 pm on May 10, 2024

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Lightsource bp plans to build an Irish solar-plus-storage facility near Kell, County Meath. The 57 MW solar array and 54 MW energy storage will supply power for 2,300 homes while saving 3,600 tons of carbon annually. A community event is scheduled for May 22 to discuss the project.

  • Ireland's Renewable Energy Expansion:
  • Large-scale energy storage proposal by Lightsource bp.
  • Environmental and Community Engagement Strategy:
  • Local Support and Information Dissemination Event:
  • Energy Efficiency and Emission Reduction Potential.
The provided text primarily falls under the categories of "Ireland's Renewable Energy Expansion" and "Large-scale energy storage proposal by Lightsource bp."

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