Lead Free Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells Without Transparent Conducting Oxides May Achieve 30% Efficiency

Researchers in Nigeria have proposed to build inverted perovskite solar cells exclusively with all-inorganic transport
PV Magazine International 12:33 pm on May 27, 2024

Nigerian researchers propose an all-inorganic transport material n-type inverted perovskite solar cell design without TCOs, achieving over 30% efficiency. The use of lead-free Methylammonium tin triiodide and Cu2O/ZnO HTM/ETL respectively contribute to the device's performance while reducing costs and environmental impact.

  • Research Breakthrough: Proposed all-inorganic solar cell design without TCOs achieving >30% efficiency.
  • Material Selection: Use of lead-free methylammonium tin triiodide (CH3NH3SnI3) and inorganic transport materials.
  • Cost Reduction: Potential to reduce production costs with all-inorganic components.
  • Environmental Impact: Avoidance of toxic lead, promoting eco-friendly manufacturing.
  • Technology Advancement: This approach may pave the way for high efficiency and cost-effective perovskite solar cells.


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