Landgate Publishes West Virginia Solar Development Study

LandGate has published a study on the state of solar development in West Virginia, with a look at both potential and
Solar Industry 6:01 pm on May 21, 2024

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LandGate Publishes Study Highlights West Virginia's Solar Potential. The report by LandGate analyzes federal and state regulations, incentives, interconnection standards, and shows that while solar isn't a top priority due to coal production, recent policies have encouraged development since 2018, with significant planned capacity growth.

  • Federal and state policy influence: Recent federal and state policies like the Federal Investment Tax Credit are promoting solar energy development.
  • Planned solar capacity growth**: West Virginia plans to expand its utility-scale solar farms by approximately 765 MW if all projected, queued and site control projects become operational.
  • Current development status**: Despite no existing utility-scale solar farm in operation, West Virginia has a substantial pipeline for future projects with significant planned capacity.
  • Study authorship**: Conducted by LandGate, the study offers insights into how to navigate and understand West Virginian solar energy prospects.
  • Regulatory environment assessment**: The report breaks down federal/state incentives and examines interconnection standards as they affect the solar industry in West Virginia.
The appropriate categories are: - Renewable policy and incentives - Solar

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