Longi Reaches 27.3% Efficiency on Hjt Solar Cells in Lab

LONGi has broken another world-record for silicon solar cell efficiencyLONGi has broken another world-record for silicon solar cell efficiency.
Solar Power World 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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LONGi Solar has achieved a record-breaking 27.3% efficiency for HJT solar cells in the lab, advancing their technology's competitiveness. This milestone was announced alongside LONGi's new Hi-MO 9 module featuring Hi-MO 9 solar cell technology and TaiRay glass.

  • Record Efficiency: LONGi Solar's HJT cells hit a new efficiency record of 27.3% in the lab, pushing forward solar energy potential.
  • Hi-MO 9 Module: The unveiling of Hi-MO 9 module with improved power generation and land use efficiency showcases LONGi's commitment to innovation.
  • Technological Advancements: The introduction of TaiRay wafers in the Hi-MO 9 solar cells sets new industry standards for reliability and performance.
  • Land Value Optimization: Solar power plant operators benefit from this module, optimizing land use and enhancing energy production.
  • Industry Leadership: LONGi's achievements reflect their leadership position in advancing solar technology and shaping the future of photovoltaic systems.


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