Longi Achieves New World Record for Silicon Solar Cell Efficiency, Introducing 2nd Generation Ultra Efficient Bc Based Module

LONGi achieves ground breaking 27.30% efficiency in silicon solar cells, setting a new world recordLONGi achieves ground breaking 27.30% efficiency in silicon solar cells, setting a new world record.
Energy Matters 2:44 am on May 10, 2024

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LONGi introduces its Hi-MO 9 module, a cutting-edge solar technology with maximum power output of 660W and efficiency up to 24.43%. The module boasts superior performance in diverse environments and is set to revolutionize the industry while assuring reliability. Its launch in Australia by Q4 2021 promises enhanced land use for energy production.

  • Module innovation: Hi-MO 9 module features second-generation Hybrid Passivated Back Contact (HPBC) solar cell technology with exceptional power output and efficiency.
  • Diverse environment suitability: Designed to perform in lake, mountain, and desert settings globally.
  • LONGi commitment: Dennis Sh emphasizes the module's unparalleled performance and lifecycle reliability.
  • Market readiness: Availability of Hi-MO 9 in Australia expected by Q4 2021 with comprehensive support from LONGi's team.
  • Industry transformation: The launch aims to maximize efficient land use for solar energy generation and deliver the highest value from sunlight utilization.
The provided text primarily falls under the categories of:
  • Renewable energy technology
  • Solar power industry advancements


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