Kosovo Opens Subsidy Scheme for Solar Thermal Systems

Household consumers in Kosovo can now apply for a subsidy to install a solar system for heating sanitary waterHousehold consumers in Kosovo can now apply for a subsidy to install a solar system for heating sanitary water.
PV Magazine International 5:16 am on June 6, 2024

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The Kosovo Ministry of Economy opens a 40% subsidy fund for household solar thermal systems until August 31. The second phase follows on October 31, aiming to support renewable energy investments in line with their goal to source 35% of electricity from renewables by 2031 through an upcoming auction and other initiatives.

  • Kosovo's subsidy scheme for solar thermal systems
  • Investment support as part of a larger renewable energy strategy
  • Application deadlines: First phase - August 31, Second phase - October 31
  • Renewable energy target: 35% by 2031


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