Key Takeaways: Kongres Pv, Warsaw

Fairer curtailment, greater grid flexibility and better regulation were all on the industry wish list at Kongres PVFairer curtailment, greater grid flexibility and better regulation were all on the industry wish list at Kongres PV.
PV Magazine International 5:54 pm on May 29, 2024

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The Polish Association of Wind Power has criticized delayed DSO responses and excessive regulatory requirements, while the government seeks to deregulate and streamline regulations. The 2024 Kongres P attracted over 13,000 attendees, emphasizing renewable energy sector engagement.

  • Delayed DSO Responses:
  • Regulatory Streamlining:
  • Renewable Energy Conference Highlights:
  • Poland's Clean Energy Development Efforts:
  • Investor Concerns Over Direct Line Costs:

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