K2 Systems Debuts 4 Wire Dragon Clip

Introducing the K2 4 Wire Dragon Clip: the innovative solution for secure solar PV wire managementIntroducing the K2 4 Wire Dragon Clip: the innovative solution for secure solar PV wire management.
Solar Builder Magazine 5:39 pm on June 4, 2024

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K2 Systems introduces 4 Wire Dragon Clip for improved solar PV wire management, designed to reduce the need for zip ties or clips. As an established racking supplier with extensive experience in the solar industry, they continue innovating with products like K2 Edge and prioritize ease of installation alongside aesthetics.

  • Product Introduction: K2 Systems' new 4 Wire Dragon Clip.
  • Company Background: Over 20 years in the industry, extensive global installation presence.
  • Innovative Products: K2 Edge focuses on installation ease and customization.
  • Industry Trends: Constant evolution of wire management solutions amidst changing PV technology.


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