Japan Reports Radio Interference from Pv Systems

Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications says that since 2021, it has received 44 reports of unwanted
PV Magazine International 1:08 pm on June 3, 2024

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The Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications received 44 reports since 2023 related to radio interference from large-scale solar power systems causing issues with wireless communication. Interferences have been attributed mainly to these plants, affecting emergency communications. Solutions like noise filters were suggested, and non-compliant projects may face removal by law. This reflects similar incidents in the Netherlands and Sweden.

  • Radio interference reports:
  • Japanese Ministry's response: Recommendations for reducing impact on wireless communications.
  • Potential legal consequences: Removal of non-complying solar projects by law.
  • International context: Comparable incidents in the Netherlands and Sweden reported earlier.
  • IEC standards integration: Japan's plans to incorporate IEC standards for unwanted emissions from solar plants.


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