Italy Deploys 1.72 Gw Of New Pv Systems in Q1

Italy installed 1.72 GW of new solar capacity in the first quarter, bringing its cumulative installed PV capacity to 32Italy installed 1.72 GW of new solar capacity in the first quarter, bringing its cumulative installed PV capacity to 32.
PV Magazine International 1:20 pm on May 28, 2024

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In Q1 2024, Italy deployed 1.72 GW of new PV systems, adding to its cumulative capacity and surpassing the previous year's installations. The residential sector saw a decrease in connected power, whereas C&I increased by 106%, attributed to rising energy prices. Major regions contributing to these additions included Lombardia, Lazio, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, and Piedmont.

  • Italy's Q1 2024 PV Deployment:
  • New installations of 1.72 GW in Q1, outdoing last year.
  • Cumulative capacity exceeds 32 GW with residential sector decrease and C&I surge due to energy price hikes.
  • Significant contributions from Lombardia, Lazio, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, and Piedmont regions.
  • Renewable policy and incentives driving growth: auction system for large-scale solar and net-metering program for rooftop solar.
  • C&I connections' strong rise due to high energy prices, reaching 595 MW compared to the prior year's figures.

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