Italy Bans Ground Mounted Solar Panels on Agricultural Land

Solar Energy News 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

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Italy's government prohibits ground-mounted solar panels on agricultural land to support its renewable energy target but faces criticism for potentially hindering photovoltaic project deployment. This action follows commitments from the G7 and EU directives, highlighting a conflict between policy goals and industry needs.

  • Policy Shift: Italy introduces an outright ban on ground-mounted solar panels in agricultural areas.
  • Industry Impact: Experts warn that the policy could impede many planned photovoltaic projects, potentially thwarting renewable energy expansion efforts.
  • Commitment to Renewables: The prohibition is part of Italy's broader plan to triple its renewable capacity by 2030 in alignment with G7 and EU objectives.
  • International Relations: Actions like these contribute to the evolving landscape of international energy policies, where commitments meet practical implementation challenges.
  • Criticism from Industry Stakeholders: The renewable sector expresses concerns over policy decisions that may slow down progress towards achieving set targets and investment potentials.

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