Israel to Deploy 250 Mw Of Floating Solar, Agrivoltaics

The Israeli authorities have proposed a plan to deploy 250 MW of floating solar and agrivoltaics through four PV plants
PV Magazine International 4:54 pm on May 21, 2024

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Israel plans to deploy 250 MW of floating solar panels combined with agrivoltaics through four PV plants in the Negev Desert. The initiative aims to meet renewable energy targets while minimizing additional transmission infrastructure, and includes innovative designs such as using purified wastewater for panel installations.

  • Renewable Energy Expansion: Israel's deployment of 250 MW solar capacity via floating arrays in the Negev Desert.
  • Agrivoltaics Integration: The project will incorporate agrivoltaics technology, combining agricultural production with photovoltaic systems.
  • Purified Water Utilization: Some installations will leverage purified wastewater to support floating solar panel structures.
  • Localized Energy Storage: Each site includes plans for energy storage solutions, with agrivoltaics potential in some locations.
  • Minimal Additional Infrastructure: The initiative does not require the creation of new overhead transmission systems.

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