Is the Scientific Community Corrupt 4:41 pm on May 20, 2024

Craig Shields challenges the integrity of the scientific community, pointing to manipulation and censorship in renewable energy research. His critique extends from personal encounters with industry professionals, questioning their expertise on complex topics such as clean energy technology.

  • Critique by Craig Shields: Highlights concerns over scientific integrity and potential biases in the renewable energy sector.
  • Manipulation & Censorship: References to coercion, fake data, manipulation, cherry-picking of results, and fear-mongering within the community.
  • Personal Encounters: Craig's direct experiences with scientists raise questions about their knowledge and influence in shaping opinions on renewable energy.
  • Calls for Transparency: Urges a reevaluation of scientific communication practices to ensure objective understanding of clean energy challenges.
  • Public Figure: Craig Shields, as the founder and CEO of, voices his views on what he perceives as issues within the renewable energy sector.

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