Is Satan Kidnapping Your Kids 5:32 pm on May 14, 2024

** The article suggests that concerns about renewable energy's impact on children, specifically the idea of Satan "kidnapping kids," might be unfounded. Craig Shields is a recognized voice in clean energy, providing insights across various topics including climate change and sustainability.

  • Renewable Energy's Public Perception: Challenges are addressed regarding the societal narrative around renewables.
  • Expert Analysis by Craig Shields: Offering a comprehensive view on clean energy and its multidimensional challenges.
  • Diverse Topics Covered: The piece spans climate change, renewable technologies, policy, and economics.
  • Book Recommendation: "Renewable Energy Facts and Fantasies" is suggested for further reading on the subject.
  • Engagement with Industry and Public: Through webinars, volunteering, and blogging to foster dialogue and understanding.

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