Investment in Clean Energy Likely to Be Double Figure for Fossil Fuels in 2024, Iea Says

Low-carbon electricity investment driven by solar projects but oil and gas spending still too high to meet climate goals
The Guardian Renewable Energy 5:16 am on June 6, 2024

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Investment in clean energy is expected to surpass fossil fuel investments by 2024, as per IEA. Clean energy targets are being met and new initiatives include solar expansion and hydrogen heating policy shifts.

  • "Clean energy investment surge": Investment in clean energy projected to exceed fossil fuels by 2024, signaling a shift towards sustainable power.
  • "Policy shifts for hydrogen heating": The UK government's recent policy changes reflect the evolving landscape of renewable energy strategies.
  • "Renewable targets met": Countries are hitting sustainable energy targets, underscoring a broader commitment to environmental goals.
  • "Solar and hydro expansion": Expanded solar energy production capacity indicates growth in the renewables sector.

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