Intuit & Rei Champion Climate Action Through Clearloop With New White Pine Solar Farm

Intuit and REI champion climate action through Clearloop with new White Pine Solar Farm 2Intuit and REI champion climate action through Clearloop with new White Pine Solar Farm 2.
CleanTechnica 9:52 pm on May 12, 2024

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Intuit & REI collaborate with Argonne National Laboratory for the Clearloop initiative, featuring a White Pine Solar Farm. Their joint effort champions climate action through clean energy investment and innovation as of May 1, 2024.

  • Collaboration: Intuit & REI team up with Argonne National Laboratory.
  • Initiative: Clearloop program focused on climate action through energy innovations.
  • Project Launch: White Pine Solar Farm unveiled as a major milestone in the project.
  • Date: Official announcement made public May 1, 2024.
  • Sector Focus: Clean energy and investment for sustainable development.
The appropriate categories are: - Solar - Renewable policy and incentives

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