Inside the (climate) Movement 6:57 pm on May 24, 2024

Inside the Climate Movement promotes participation through various initiatives, emphasizing advocacy and action against fossil fuel funding, insurance rejection of LNG projects, pressure on Ecuador's oil drilling, climate career conversations, and sharing relevant resources. Craig Shields is a notable figure in renewable energy discussions.

  • Climate Advocacy: Encourage protesting against fossil fuel funding and insurance support for LNG projects.
  • Protective Actions: Apply pressure on Ecuador's President to halt oil drilling in Yasun National Park.
  • Community Involvement: Participate in conversations, join climate careers and share insightful resources.
  • Informative Resource: Download Craig Shields' "Renewable Energy Facts & Fantasies" for a deeper understanding of industry challenges.
  • Renewable Expertise: Recognize Craig Shields as an authoritative voice in the field.

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