Indoor Pv Powered Wireless Touch Switch to Control Home, Office Equipment

PV Magazine International 2:56 am on June 3, 2024

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Lightricity, with Nichicon support, develops an innovative PV-powered Bluetooth switch for remote control of home/office equipment. The device is wireless, battery-free, and powered by a micro-sized PV panel. It's designed to operate from 100 lux to 1000 lux with low-energy BLE connectivity, featuring Nichicon's IoT-optimized batteries for extended operation without light.

  • Innovative Bluetooth PV switch by Lightricity and Nichicon
  • Wireless device with no need for external power or batteries
  • Micro-sized PV panel integrated into the product design
  • Operates under various lighting conditions, from 100 to 1000 lux
  • Utilizes Nichicon's IoT-optimized battery for reliable energy supply

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