In 2023, Investment in Clean Energy Manufacturing Shot Up 70% from 2022

Booming investment in solar and battery manufacturing is rapidly becoming a powerful global economic driver, according
Electrek 11:36 am on May 6, 2024

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The International Energy Agency (IEA) report highlights a boom in global investment towards clean energy manufacturing, with solar and battery sectors leading the growth. In 2022, investments surged to $200 billion, marking significant progress toward net zero emissions. Policy makers can leverage this trend for industrial strategies focused on clean energy transition.

  • Increase in Clean Energy Investment: The IEA report reveals a dramatic rise in investments towards clean energy manufacturing, indicating the growing importance of sustainable practices.
  • Solar and Battery Growth: Solar PV manufacturing capacity has doubled from 2022, with battery cell production nearing net zero demand fulfillment by 2030.
  • Geographical Shift in Clean Energy Manufacturing: Europe and the US are poised to reach a significant share of global installed capacity for clean energy technologies, challenging China's dominance.
  • Policy Impact on Cost Gaps: The report suggests policy influence can help address cost gaps between different countries in the manufacturing of these critical sectors.
  • Strategic Industrial Planning for Clean Energy Transition: Highlights an opportunity for policy makers to formulate strategies that harness this momentum towards a sustainable future.

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