Improving Perovskite Solar Cell Performance With Phenethyl Ammonium Chloride

An international research team developed a perovskite solar cell performance-boosting treatment based on phenethyl
PV Magazine International 6:44 am on May 15, 2024

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Prior research has focused on reducing perovskite film formation time to enhance solar cell efficiency. However, faster kinetics result in larger grains and increased moisture vulnerability. A novel approach uses phenyl ethene acrylate (PEACl) to modulate crystal growth rate during annealing, promoting smaller grain size for improved stability, yielding better performance. This method offers a pathway to increase the reliability of perovskite-based photovoltaic cells with faster production times without compromising quality and longevity.

  • Method:
  • Improvement in film formation speed
  • Use of phenyl ethene acrylate (PEACl)
  • Modulation of crystal growth rate during annealing
  • Enhanced device performance and stability
Categorization: Solar

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