Improving Perovskite Solar Cell Performance With Conductive Adhesive Ink

Conceived by researchers from Iran, the new conductive adhesive ink is made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and is
PV Magazine International 11:36 am on May 6, 2024

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Innovative conductive adhesive made of PMMA improves perovskite solar cell stability and efficiency, offering a cost-effective process for large-scale applications. This breakthrough has implications in the renewable energy sector by enhancing PV technology's performance, with potential SEO benefits from its relevance to emerging green tech trends.

  • Innovation: Conductive adhesive improves solar cell stability and efficiency.
  • Material: Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is used in the new adhesive.
  • Process: A simple, low-cost method compatible with large areas.
  • Efficiency Gain: Increased cell efficiency of 17.2% comparable to gold counterparts.
  • Long Term Stability: Improved long-term stability, achieving over 92% after 54 days.

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