Irena’s 14th Assembly Underscores Role Of Geopolitics, Urgent Need for Action

The 14th assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) last week in Abu Dhabi underscored the centrality of geopolitics and security in the current global energy landscape. The gathering also called for greater action to achieve the COP28 target of tripling renewables deployment by 2030.
PV Magazine International 5:37 pm on April 23, 2024

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The 14th assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) emphasized the need for immediate action to triple global renewable energy capacity by 2030, while acknowledging geopolitical challenges and the need for financing and implementation in developing countries. IRENA's President Francesco La Camera urged concrete steps toward this goal, noting that 87% of new power in 2023 came from renewables but investments are concentrated in a few technologies and regions. African Union Commissioner Amani Abou-Zei stressed the need for a master plan to expand renewable energy in Africa and overcome financing challenges. European Commissioner Kadri Simson urged real implementation at COP29, while Hans Olav Ibrek highlighted geopolitical risks but emphasized that this is not an argument for inaction.

  • IRENA's 14th assembly underscored the urgency of tripling global renewable energy capacity by 2030
  • Geopolitical challenges and financing are major hurdles to achieving this goal
  • African Union Commissioner Amani Abou-Zei called for a master plan to expand renewables in Africa and overcome financing challenges
  • European Commissioner Kadri Simson urged real implementation at COP29
  • Hans Olav Ibrek highlighted geopolitical risks but emphasized the importance of action, not inaction

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