How to Reduce Truck Rolls and Increase Home Solar Reliability

Learn the impact of solar installer service on customer satisfaction and return-on-investmentLearn the impact of solar installer service on customer satisfaction and return-on-investment.
Solar Builder Magazine 5:44 am on May 5, 2024

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The text discusses strategies to reduce solar truck rolls and enhance reliability in residential solar systems. This includes offering extended warranties, prioritizing quality system design, investing in long-lasting components, ensuring high-quality installation, and educating customers. These approaches help minimize service calls while providing peace of mind to customers and strengthening the reputation of solar companies.

  • Offering extended warranties for solar systems
  • Prioritizing quality system design and investing in long-lasting components
  • Ensuring high-quality installation processes and documentations
  • Providing customer education about their solar systems
  • Implementing these strategies to minimize service calls, protect customers' investments, and strengthen the reputation of solar companies

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