How Much Does Sand, Grit, & Gravel Add to Concrete Carbon Emissions

Sand and gravel make up 65% to 80% of concrete, but are a tiny fraction of concrete's carbon debt.
CleanTechnica 6:23 pm on June 5, 2024

The text discusses an image depicting a sand dredge with concrete plants, inquiring about the carbon emissions of silt, gravel, and sand in concrete production.

  • Subject: Construction Material Emission Inquiry
  • Image Context: Panoramic river bed with dredging and planting
  • Concern: Carbon emissions contribution of silt, gravel, and sand in concrete production
  • Public Engagement: Comments section active, Michael Barnard's three comments
**Category: Hydro - The discussion relates to materials typically involved in construction processes adjacent to hydrological elements.** **

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