How Dominion Energy Killed a Rooftop Solar Plan in Fairfax County, Virginia

In 2020, the Virginia legislature initiated a program to bring more rooftop solar to municipalitiesIn 2020, the Virginia legislature initiated a program to bring more rooftop solar to municipalities.
CleanTechnica 1:10 am on June 3, 2024

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Steve Hanley reports how Dominion Energy's actions impacted a solar rooftop installation for an apartment complex in Fairfax County, Virginia. On May 3, 2024, Steve highlights the cancellation of a plan due to Dominion's policies.

  • Date and Author: May 3, 2024 - Steve Hanley
  • Issue: Cancellation of multifamily solar array plan by Dominion Energy in Fairfax County, Virginia.
  • Cause: Policies implemented by Dominion Energy.
  • Implication: Hindrance to renewable energy adoption and potential legal or contractual ramifications.
  • Commentary Context: Indicative of broader challenges faced by solar initiatives in certain regions.
Category Selection: Renewable policy and incentives

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