Honda Debuts Hydrogen Powered Class 8 Fuel Cell Semi Truck Concept

Honda is debuting a hydrogen semi truck concept at this year’s Advanced Clean Transportation Expo, an annual expo
Electrek 5:39 pm on May 20, 2024

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The article highlights Honda's unveiling of a hydrogen-powered Class 8 semi truck concept at the Advanced Clean Transportation Exp, focusing on clean transport. As part of a broader strategy towards zero emissions with commercial vehicles as a priority for hydrogen fuel usage in heavy-duty vehicles like trucks and buses. Honda's investment into its new 50-mile range e:FCE concept vehicle and the associated costs and challenges related to hydrogen economy, including high cost of production and clean energy source dependency, are also discussed.

  • Honda unveils Class 8 semi truck at ACT Expo
  • Focus on clean transportation for heavy-duty vehicles
  • Investment into e:FCE concept vehicle with limited range
  • Challenges of hydrogen economy including production cost and clean energy dependence
  • Commitment towards solving hydrogen obstacles for future usage in heavy-duty vehicles

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