Hello Europe, Ukraine Has the Green Hydrogen You’re Looking For

Ukraine is moving forward with a plan to leverage its vast wind and solar resources to supply Europe with green hydrogen and clean power.
CleanTechnica 7:46 pm on April 22, 2024

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The text suggests that Ukraine has the potential to become a significant producer of green hydrogen for the EU due to its abundant wind and solar energy. This could position Ukraine as an important supplier within the European Union's green energy transition.

  • Ukraine has ample wind and solar power, making it a suitable location for green hydrogen production.
  • Green hydrogen can be produced using renewable energy, making it an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional hydrogen sources.
  • The EU is looking for new sources of green hydrogen to support its green energy transition.
  • Ukraine could become a key supplier of green hydrogen to the EU market.
  • This development could strengthen Ukraine's relationship with the European Union.


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