Hvdc, Reconductoring, & Smart Balls Supercharge Grids

A talk and a Q&A session covering my thoughts on a very aggressive grid expansion and optimization for India,
CleanTechnica 7:58 pm on May 10, 2024

Michael Barnard presented on transmission for Smart Balls Supercharge Grids, emphasizing Reconductorin's role. The session highlighted advanced grid technologies and potential for enhanced energy delivery systems.

  • Transmission Focus: Michael Barnard discusses the significance of efficient transmission in Smart Balls Supercharge Grids.
  • Reconductorin's Role: Highlighting Reconductorin as a key player for upgraded grid systems.
  • Supercharging Infrastructure: The presentation delves into the Supercharge Grids, their technology and purpose.
  • Advancements in Grid Technology: Discussion on innovative technologies for transmission enhancement.
  • Future Implications: Potential impacts of the discussed grid improvements on energy delivery systems.


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