Greenskies Solar Ppa Covers Rooftop Installs at Seven New Jersey Schools

Solar power purchase agreements (solar PPA) are revolutionizing renewable energy in schoolsSolar power purchase agreements (solar PPA) are revolutionizing renewable energy in schools.
Solar Builder Magazine 4:51 pm on May 9, 2024

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Greenskies PV Power Agreement provides solar energy to seven New Jersey schools at no upfront cost, funded by a 15-year solar power purchase agreement. The project contributes approximately 2,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions reduction annually and complements the district's Energy Savings Improvement Plan (ESIP) with energy efficiency measures achieving $18 million in savings over 18 years.

  • Renewable Power Agreements:
  • CO2 Reduction: Approx. 2,000 metric tons annually.
  • Energy Savings and Improvement Plan (ESIP): Total projected $18 million savings over 18 years.
  • School District Initiatives:
  • Environmental Commitment:
  • Energy Efficiency Measures:

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