Green Hydrogen Goes to Bat for Sustainable Food Systems

The green hydrogen economy of the future is branching out in new directions, the latest example being a new microbe-based food protein.
CleanTechnica 6:40 pm on April 15, 2024

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Tina Casey's April 1, 2024 article discusses Solar Foods' production of Solein, a microbe-based protein alternative using green hydrogen and oxygen. Solein is positioned as a sustainable solution to plant and animal proteins.

  • Solar Foods produces Solein, a microbe-based protein alternative, using green hydrogen and oxygen
  • Green hydrogen and oxygen are produced via renewable energy sources
  • Solein is presented as a sustainable solution to plant and animal proteins
  • The process reduces carbon emissions compared to conventional protein production methods
  • Further exploration and development of microbe-based proteins could contribute significantly to the food industry's sustainability efforts

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