Greenpower Unveils the Ev Star Reefer X New, Modern, All Electric Refrigerated Medium Duty Truck

CleanTechnica 4:59 pm on June 5, 2024

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The EV Star REEFERX is an eco-friendly, one-piece PET refrigerated truck designed for easy assembly and repair. Its closed cell foam composite resists temperature changes and water absorption, offering a modern design. Revealed by GreenPower in 2024 as an all-electric medium-duty vehicle.

  • Design: One-piece structure with PET construction for ease of assembly and repair.
  • Materials: Recycled, closed cell foam composite resistant to temperature fluctuations and water absorption.
  • Product Unveiling: GreenPower announced the EV Star REEFERX in June 2024 as an all-electric medium-duty truck.
  • Environmental Impact: Utilizes sustainable materials and operates on electricity, contributing to reduced environmental impact.

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