Gotion High Tech Selects Morocco As Home to a New 20 Gwh Battery Gigafactory

Over six months after detailing plans for a new 20 gigawatt-hour (GWh) battery plant in Europe, China’s Gotion
Electrek 2:17 pm on June 7, 2024

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Gotion High-Tech, backed by Volkswagen Group, announces a 1.3 billion battery plant in Morocco for its first European gigafactory. The 20 GWh factory's establishment remains undisclosed until the government's confirmation of its location. A prime minister's office statement highlighted potential expansion to a 100 GWh facility, with investment details pending from Gotion High-Tech and affiliated companies like InoBat.

  • Gotion High-Tech Expansion:
  • Moroccan Government's Announcement:
  • Potential Gigafactory Capacity:
  • Investment Details and Expansion Plans Pending:

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