Got $200k & Want to Fly Electric This Ultralight Evtol Ships in July & Doesn't Require a Pilot License

For about $200,000, you might be able to attain the ultimate in e-mobility early adopter status, because the Pivotal
CleanTechnica 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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The Pivotal Helix eVTOL, an electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, is scheduled for delivery in July 2024. It costs $200K without necessitating a pilot's license.

  • Pivotal Helix eVTOL launch date: July 2024
  • eVTOL aircraft cost: $200,000
  • No need for pilot's license to operate
  • Ultralight classification
  • Electric propulsion system

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