Gogoro Battery Swapping Electric Scooters Continue International Expansion

Gogoro has been on a roll lately, showing off a steady stream of new scooter models and simultaneously expanding its...
Electrek 5:44 am on May 5, 2024

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Gogoro, a Taiwanese electric scooter company known for its battery-swapping technology, has expanded into Nepal through a partnership with Nebula Energy, a local energy venture. The first battery-swapping station and the new Crossover GX250 electric scooter have been introduced in Kathmandu. Initially, Gogoro's electric scooters will cater to B2B applications and later consumer retail locations.

  • Gogoro expands into Nepal through a partnership with Nebula Energy
  • First battery-swapping station and new Crossover GX250 electric scooter introduced in Kathmandu
  • Initially targeting B2B applications, later to consumer retail locations
  • Impact of the expansion on Nepal's transportation sector to be monitored
  • Gogoro's continued focus on Asian markets for growth


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