German Energy Market Records 78 Hours Of Negative Prices in May

Rabot Charge's monthly analysis shows significantly more hours with negative prices on the Germany electricity market
PV Magazine International 11:47 am on June 4, 2024

In May, Germany experienced 78 hours of negative electricity prices on the day-ahead market. The average price was higher than in April but lower than the previous month's record, with significant renewable energy influence due to a high wind power contribution and an unusually small share from wind power itself.

  • Germany's day-ahead market experienced negative prices for extended periods.
  • Renewable energy's dominance, notably high contributions from wind, influenced the lower average electricity costs in May compared to previous months.
  • Incentives and market dynamics contributed to an increase in negative pricing hours beyond April's records.
  • The impact of renewable energy sources, such as wind, is a key factor in the country's electricity price fluctuations.

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