French Roofing Specialist Offers Adhesive Solar Modules for Low Load Bearing Roofs

France-based Iko is launching Iko Excel Solar, a lightweight PV solution for roofs that cannot withstand excessive loadsFrance-based Iko is launching Iko Excel Solar, a lightweight PV solution for roofs that cannot withstand excessive loads.
PV Magazine International 1:16 pm on June 6, 2024

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The French roofing specialist, Iko, introduces the lightweight 'Excel Solar' PV module series for low-load bearing roofs. Weighing around 2.5 kg/m, these panels offer an efficiency of 18.3% and can be installed directly by waterproofers.

  • Iko Excel Solar Module: A lightweight, high-efficiency PV module for low-load roofs.
  • Installation: Suitable for single or double layer installation directly by waterproofers post technical setup.
  • Efficiency and Weight: 18.3% efficiency, approximately 2.5 kg/m.
  • Market Penetration: Successful installations include a notable Nougat Chabert project with Urbasolar.

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