Fraunhofer Ise Presents Propane Heat Pump With Heating, Cooling Performance Of 5.6

The German research institute said the new heat pump was developed in partnership with ZAE Bayern and Mafac E. SchwarzThe German research institute said the new heat pump was developed in partnership with ZAE Bayern and Mafac E. Schwarz.
PV Magazine International 1:12 pm on June 4, 2024

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The Fraunhofer Institute unveils a propane-based heat pump for industrial use, achieving 5.6 PV performance in collaboration with ZAE Bayern and Mafac E. Schwarz GmbH & Co., enhancing energy efficiency and water savings without requiring safety measures typically associated with flammable refrigerants.

  • Development Collaboration: Fraunhofer ISE, ZAE Bayern, and Mafac E. Schwarz GmbH & Co. created a propane heat pump.
  • Performance Improvement: Achieved 5.6 PV performance in industrial heating/cooling applications.
  • Efficiency Gains: Reduced power requirements for heating water and air, saving over 1000 liters of freshwater annually.
  • Safety Compliance: The heat pump can operate without standard safety measures required for flammable refrigerants.

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