Four Terminal Tandem Organic Solar Cell Achieves 16.94% Efficiency

Researchers in Spain claim to have recorded the highest power conversion efficiency result for a four-terminal tandem organic cell to date. The device is based on an ultrathin transparent silver electrode.
PV Magazine International 1:26 pm on April 17, 2024

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A team of researchers from ICFO in Spain have fabricated a four-terminal organic solar cell with a tandem configuration and a power conversion efficiency of 16.94%, the highest for such a cell to date. The ultrathin transparent silver electrode, only 7 nm thick, plays a critical role in optimizing the device's performance.

  • Researchers at ICFO have created a four-terminal organic solar cell with a tandem configuration and a power conversion efficiency of 16.94%, setting a new record for such cells.
  • The ultrathin transparent silver electrode, just 7 nm thick, is crucial to the efficient operation of the solar cell.
  • ICFO researchers are exploring applications in sustainable energy conversion processes like CO2 conversion and valorization.
  • The methodology for designing the four-terminal tandem structure could be applied to other devices requiring uniform light distribution.
  • ICFO collaborated with a EU-funded consortium to develop a new tandem photoelectrochemical cell and hybrid catalyst system.

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