Fortescue Opens 2gw Pem Electrolyser Manufacturing Facility

Wind Power News 5:47 am on May 5, 2024

Fortescue, an Australian mining company, has opened a new manufacturing facility in Gladstone, Queensland, designed for producing over 2GW of proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser stacks annually. Mark Hutchinson, Fortescue Energy CEO, stated the demand for green hydrogen is increasing due to decarbonisation needs. The facility, featuring an automated assembly line, will position Gladstone and Fortescue as significant producers in the growing green hydrogen market. Queensland and Australian governments provided financial support for the project. This is the first stage of a wider green energy manufacturing centre on the 100-hectare Gladstone site. Fortescue aims to decarbonise its iron ore operations by 2030.

  • Fortescue opens new electrolyser manufacturing facility in Gladstone, Queensland
  • Facility has capacity to produce over 2GW of PEM electrolyser stacks annually
  • Automated assembly line positions Fortescue and Gladstone as large-scale green hydrogen producers
  • Queensland and Australian governments provided financial support for the project
  • Facility is first stage of a wider green energy manufacturing centre on the 100-hectare Gladstone site

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