Former Commissioner: Ferc's Transmission Rule Will Benefit the Southeast

E. Leon Jacobs, Jr. is familiar with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)E. Leon Jacobs, Jr. is familiar with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).
SACE - Southern Alliance 1:12 pm on June 4, 2024

** FERC's Order 1920 sets modern regional transmission planning standards, promoting cost and reliability enhancements as the Southeast transitions to renewable energy. E. Leon Jacobs Jr., former FPSC Chairman, supports it for potential benefits in Florida and beyond. NARUC's cautious stance contrasts with this viewpoint.

  • FERC Order 1920: Establishes modern regional transmission planning to improve costs and reliability during the shift to renewable energy.
  • E. Leon Jacobs Jr.: Advocates for FERC Order 1920 due to its positive implications for Southeast's grid resilience.
  • NARUC Stance: Initially skeptical, NARUC now endorses the order following Jacobs' letter.
  • Importance of Regional Transmission Projects: Crucial for cost reduction and reliability in uncertain energy landscapes.
**Category Choice:** Renewable policy and incentives, Electric Vehicles

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