First Bus & Combined Authority Announce Further 11.2m for Bramley Bus Depot: Extra 22 Electric Buses

First Bus adds 22 extra electric buses to Bramley bus Depot with Combined Authority Dept of Transport Zebra
CleanTechnica 11:24 am on May 22, 2024

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On May 2, 2024, FirstGroup's First Bus & Combined Authority announced an additional 11.2 million for the Bramley Bus Depot project, potentially incorporating 22 electric buses.

  • Public Announcement: Funding and potential addition of 22 electric buses to Bramley depot.
  • FirstGroup/FBUA Collaboration: FirstBus & Combined Authority joint announcement.
  • Investment Size: 11.2 million in the project's next phase.
  • Electric Buses Impact: Consideration of electrifying 22 buses, promoting green transportation.
  • Date and Source: Press release dated May 2, 2st 2024. One comment received post-publication.

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