Finland's Kempower Just Opened a Dc Fast Charger Factory in North Carolina

Finnish EV charger manufacturer Kempower officially opened its first US DC fast charger factory in Durham, North
Electrek 9:16 pm on June 5, 2024

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Kempower, an EV charger manufacturer from Finland, has established its first US DC fast charger factory in Durham, North Carolina. The 1,000-square-meter facility aims to produce NEVI compliant charging systems for electric vehicles and trucks in the US/Canada market.

  • Location: Durham, North Carolina
  • Company: Kempower Finnish EV charger manufacturer
  • Product: DC fast charging systems for electric vehicles and trucks complying with NEVI standards
  • Impact: Creation of approximately 300 jobs, with an estimated $700 million contribution to North Carolina's economy in the next decade.
Categorized as Electric Vehicles

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