Ferrari, With First Electric Supercar Coming in 2025, Warns Rivals Over Chinese Evs

Electrek 5:32 pm on May 23, 2024

Ferrari warns competitors over electric vehicles (EVs), emphasizing the EU-China trade dispute's impact on luxury automakers, while hinting at its first EV coming in 2025 and plans for a new factory. The company envisions future growth with hybrid/electric sales making up half by 2026.

  • EV Market Warnings:
  • Ferrari's CE, Vigna, advises EU automakers to prepare for Chinese competition in EV market amidst trade tensions.
  • Despite China tariffs affecting imports like Porsch and Audi more, Ferrari maintains a low sales share there due to existing duties.
  • First fully electric Ferrari supercar expected by Q4 2025 with an e-factory planned for June 2024.
  • Ferrari anticipates that by 2026, hybrid and EVs will account for 60% of sales.

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