Ferc Issues Final Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation Rule

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released today its highly anticipated final regional transmission
ACORE 5:49 pm on May 13, 2024

FERC has finalized the Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation Rule, mandating comprehensive planning and cost allocation. The rule advocates for long-term scenario analysis, transparent data on transmission benefits, grid enhancement technologies, and clean electricity generation to benefit consumers nationally. ACORE will host a webinar discussing this rule's implications for transmission capacity expansion in the U.S., while supporting various commentaries promoting strong planning policies throughout its history.

  • Regional Transmission Planning & Cost Allocation Rule:
  • Finalized by FERC:
  • Mandates comprehensive planning and transparent data.
  • Advocacy for clean electricity generation:
  • Webinar by ACORE to discuss implications:
  • Historical support of strong planning policies through various commentaries.


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